"Shinboku No Shakai"

The Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟 Shoto-Kan Kara-te Renmei,
often referred to as the SKU, is an internationally respected organisation,
a society for friendship, a Shinboku No Shakai 親睦の社会.
A society that was founded in Great Britain in 1985 by a coming together of
invited individual members from several Shotokan Karate groups, including members
from the two largest Shotokan Karate organisations at that time. As a result the SKU
will always remain a strictly non political group. The concept of the friendship society was
at the heart of the formation of the SKU, and that is why its members still hold strong to the belief that, “Unity is strength and strength through friendship”.

Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

"The SKU pride themselves in the knowledge that, The Shotokan Karate Union coaching and grading syllabus has been specifically formulated with material that will aid students in the study of Shotokan Karate, strictly as a Budo / Bujutsu art form and not as a Sport activity. "


The section below gives you the reader a brief synopsis of the SKU's Activities.

Shotokan Karate Union : Established 1985 © Copyright MCMLXXXV : All Rights Reserved

SKU Activities

The SKU believes that "Shotokan Karate-Do is the everyday study in pursuit of technical excellence & self-improvement." and that "Hard work under the guidance of a qualified coach is the only true way to produce long term results."

We therefore, focus our efforts, studies, practice and activities strictly upon the analysis of, the understanding of & the improvement of all of the factors that affect our ability to regularly reproduce a constantly high level of performance and therefore, we aim to achieve higher technical standards in the training of & coaching of the SKU Shotokan Karate-Do System.

After all, any improvement in our personal technical standards and in the proficiency of our performance in the Art of the Traditional Japanese Karate style of, Shotokan Karate-Do, will always start and ends with us physically attending the Dojo and putting in the hard training hours. Our activities therefore, are geared around the improvement of ones performance. That's why the SKU offers all of its members access to the following services :

Quality Coaching,     Grade Recognition,     Approved subject related study resources.

Quality Coaching

The SKU holds as its primary aim "The Coaching of the SKU Shotokan Karate-Do System, whilst maintaining the traditions and cultural ways, those values that were at the heart of what was taught by the styles Japanese founding fathers". The SKU has and will always strive to Maintain High Technical Standards for all of its membership, and "training in search of excellence" is the aim that all SKU coaches emphasise. As a Member of the SKU you will therefore, have access to Visiting SKU Senior Coaching Staff, who are dedicated to "KEEPING IN TOUCH WITH TRADITIONS" for the benefit of future generations of Traditional Japanese style Shotokan Karate-Ka.

Grade Recognition

The SKU has always adhered to a transparent and structured grading assessment system which is detailed in and available to study in the Official SKU Grading Syllabus / Grading Record Book, this ensures that all of our student members know in advance & understands what is achievable and is expected of them. As a Member of the SKU your training endeavours and progress will be recognised, as you will have access to the SKU structured Grading System, with assessment by Senior SKU Grading Examiners, and if successful you will be awarded with either an SKU Kyu Grade Certificate or a Japanese style SKU Dan Grade Diploma. New Members transfering in to the SKU from other organisations will within the first year of membership have the opportunity to Access Grade Ratification Certificates and Diplomas.

Approved Study Resources

As a Member of the SKU you will have Access to SKU Officially Approved Quality Training Equipment and SKU Officially Approved subject related Study Resources.

"Regardless of your current or previous affiliations we don't judge you solely by the colour of your belt, because after all, good Karate is good Karate and it will stand out as good Karate to everyone who sees it. So no matter what your grade status is or where you are from, you will therefore always accepted and respected within the SKU family by your individual personality, your ability, knowledgeand and personal committment to the Art form. "


The section below gives you the reader a brief history of the SKU.

Shotokan Karate Union : Established 1985 © Copyright MCMLXXXV : All Rights Reserved


The Shotokan Karate Union is a respected non-profit International Shotokan Karate-Do Organisation, a friendship society that was established in Great Britain in 1985, with affiliated Individual Associate Members Worldwide. We practice Shotokan Karate-Do as a Traditional Japanese martial art form. Dedicated to using the Traditional Japanese Shotokan Karate-Do coaching methodology we have therefore, chosen to resist compromising those tried and tested ways. Nevertheless, we do recognise, advocate and utilise many of the modern sports sciences to test and hone our Karate-ka to assist them to achieve their highest personal technical standard. When the Shotokan Karate Union was founded we were at the vanguard of coaching education in the martial arts, when we pioneered a gold standard system of coaching education, the Coaching award scheme, which is now over 30 years old and has been encapsulated in a set of successful and structured coaching courses. We subsidise & sponsor a number of places each year on the structured, educational award scheme to teach our coaches how to present the subject matter in a uniform manner, whilst ensuring that a high standard of student performance is achieved and maintained. From the organisation's conception we simultaneously developed and adhered to a transparent and structured grading assessment system so that our student members would know in advance & understand what is achievable and expected of them. The Shotokan Karate Union's organisational model is based upon a consortium, an alliance, which was initially founded as a coming together of invited individual members from several of the well known and established Shotokan organisations including the two largest Shotokan groups at that time. We are a society of, a coalition of like-minded Individual Associate Members, who are free to train with whoever they choose and free to run their own affairs with zero political interference from the SKU. This approach allows each and every Individual Associate Member to follow the path that is best suited to their specific needs; yet at the same time our "active" members are in regular communication with others who are willing to freely share their training ideas and their karate experiences in a non-hostile, a non-competitive atmosphere, an atmosphere where members are encouraged to and don't fear to express their opinions and understanding of their studies with other coaches. Because the Shotokan Karate Union is an inclusive friendship society that allows its members to hold dual affiliation, there is no political pressure or bias imposed on SKU members, neither is there any in-fighting, or jostling for position. Because the SKU are run by the will of the membership through a Yudansha Committee of Senior Dan grade members and an elected Director of Coaching. The open door policy of our consortium model was a concept that was the aim at the foundation of the S.K.U. and it seems to have worked very well thus far as we celebrated our 35th anniversary in 2020.

Go visit our "How long has the Shotokan Karate Union Been Established Clock" to see the daily updated figure.

JOIN THE SKU Today, as we are "Keeping in touch with traditions of Shotokan" for the benefit of future generations.


To celebrate their 25th anniversary in 2010 the Shotokan Karate Union had a membership vote and it was overwhelmingly agreed upon to adopted the enso and rising sun emblem. Which has two main elements to it and when both elements are merged they acurately represent the Shotokan Karate Union's driving principle; that Shotokan Karate is the study in pursuit of personal growth and technical excellence everyday and therefore, through diligent study we learn something new everyday, even though it may be a new light through old windows.

The Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟 Shoto-kan Kara-te Renmei, often referred to as the SKU, is an internationally respected society for friendship, a SHINBOKU NO SHAKAI 親睦の社会. They are a society that is and will always remain a strictly non political group. The concept of the friendship society was at the heart of the formation of the SKU, and that is why its members still hold strong to the belief that, “Unity is strength and strength through friendship”. That belief was further expressed and celebrated in the choice of the Japanese kanji used to represent and define the word “UNION” as used in the title of the society (The Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟), because it features the characters of renmei 連盟 and not the characters for rengo 連合, as Renmei better symbolises the mutually held feelings that were behind the coming together in union of those original invited members. The SKU adheres to and will continue to promote the benefits to be gained from, their inclusive approach, from the alliances that are made, through the coalition of the accumulated experiences and the alignment of the various training methodologies employed by their worldwide community membership.

"We start to truly learn about our character and benefit from the discipline that hard Karate training brings, if we can continue to train hard when we reach the point where we feel that we want to stop."


The section below gives you the reader a look at the SKU Coaching / Administrative Team.

Shotokan Karate Union : Established 1985 © Copyright MCMLXXXV : All Rights Reserved

Behind the Success

Our Coaching / Administrative Team

SKU Director of Coaching Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Derick Kirkham

Director of Coaching
SKU International Affairs Officer Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Rachael Reiko Murakami

International Affairs Officer
SKU International Affairs Officer Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Kinuko Takahashi

Female Member Co-Ordinator
SKU Membership Officer Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Steve Redburn

Membership Officer
SKU Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Steve Mason

SKU Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Ray Fletcher

SKU Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Karl Grace

SKU Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Jack Francis

"Are you a 3rd Kyu Brown Belt or above who would like to start & run your own Dojo and would like some help in achieving it?"

"Are you a Dan Grade who would like to share with others your ideas, skills and methods?"

"Are you a Dan Grade who would like to progress further and expand upon your current level of attainment?"


Coaching The SKU Way

The section below gives you the reader a synopsis of what we aim for by Coaching The SKU Way.

Shotokan Karate Union : Established 1985 © Copyright MCMLXXXV : All Rights Reserved

Coaching The SKU WAY

The Shotokan Karate Union SKU teaches a Traditional Japanese Shotokan Karate system strictly as a Budo & Bujutsu art form. Our successful, tried and tested, Structured Coaching & Grading System does include the "faster, stronger, harder" approach to coaching for our Karate-ka when it is needed. But the SKU System goes way beyond that, because, as a group we focus our efforts and activities strictly upon the analysis of, the understanding of & the improvement of the factors that affect our ability to achieve higher technical standards of proficiency in our performance. This is Kaizen 改善 in action, which is the philosophy of continuous Improvement of ones performance in realistic, measurable and achievable stages. We blend Kaizen 改善 with the holistic approach of Shin-Tai-Waza 進体技. Which encompasses the coaching of the Karate-Ka's Mind, Body and Technique.

The focus of our structured coaching & grading system is different in many ways from other mainstream organisations today. For example, the Coaching and training methodology of the SKU Way is not influenced in any way by the aims of or the rules and regulations of Modern competitive Sport Karate. As we feel that the practice of and the adaptation of the basic techniques for the sole purpose of using them in a Modern Sporting Karate context requires one to change ones point of focus to suit the limiting rules and regulations of the game. Therefore we feel this would be an unnecessary distraction, diverting the students attention away from the underpinning ethos of all of the SKU’s studies. We therefore deem the practice of and adaptation of techniques for use in a Modern Sporting Karate context as incompatable with the aims of the SKU. That said, if you have an interest in sport karate then you are still very welcome in joining the SKU family and you should bear in mind that we never stop our members from competing or following a path that is best suited to their specific needs; quite the opposite, as we always encourage and assist our members to achieve their individual goals, and that's why as an SKU member you will have access to our team of Technical Advisors, all of whom are experts in different related aspects of the Martial Arts.

Our structured syllabus revolves in the early grades around the understanding of and the achieving of “Good Form” and the aiming for excellence in the execution of the principles of movement. The principles that are associated with all of the techniques (Waza) and the Kata of the SKU Shotokan Karate-do system.

The Techniques and Kata within the SKU system are taught and practiced to achieve performance excellence. So every individual technique should always be performed with its delivery focus, and intensity, firmly rooted with JISSEN in mind. The practice of OYO is therefore, a big part of the SKU syllabus. OYO is the practical application of Karate technique for the purpose of self defence. Therefore this aspect is taught to all SKU students from the beginning of their training careers but progressively plays a larger and larger role in the coaching of and the training of SKU students as they progress steadily through the lower ranks towards the higher ranks and continues when they become senior grades. The SKU syllabus and training system encourages the student to progress in every dimension, Shin Tai Waza 心技体, and follows the relationship development philosophy of Shu Ha Ri 守 破 離 througout.

Our system and values keeps alive the Japanese cultural and Traditional Budo values that are closely associated with the Shotokan Karate-Do style. Specifically the values that were at the heart of what was taught by the styles Japanese founding fathers, We therefore, recognise the pioneering work done by the Japan Karate Association, the teachings of Masters Gichin & Yoshitaka Funakoshi, Masatoshi Nakayama, Hirokazu Kanazawa, Keinosuke Enoeda, Masao Kawasoe and others.

By practicing Shotokan Karate-Do in this way, purely as a Traditional Japanese Martial Art form, then we believe that the legacy that we will leave for future generations will be one where they can continue to appreciate the benefits of the Traditional Japanese Shotokan Karate-Do system, and therefore, the new generation of students will be enriched and reap the greater long term benefits thereof.

"The SKU are very proud of their open door policy and of the collaborative approach that we have towards other styles of Karate and other Martial Arts. The knowledge base that these experienced practitioners, our Technical Advisors bring to The Shotokan Karate Union are a very popular and welcomed addition to the coaching and grading syllabus.

If you are an experienced coach of another style of Martial Arts other than that of Shotokan Karate, then we would love to hear from you, especially if you have a passion to share your experiences and understanding of your Art with other interested and open minded Martial Artists, then come and join us no matter where you are based. "

SKU Technical Advisors

The section below gives you the reader a look at a selection of the SKU's extensive range of Technical Advisors.

Shotokan Karate Union : Established 1985 © Copyright MCMLXXXV : All Rights Reserved


SKU Technical Advisors, Country & Regional Representatives.

SKU Technical Advisor Korean Arts Don McArtor Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

"Don McArtor 9th Dan, has over 40 years of experience in Martial Arts. He has a great reputation in his chosen field and has trained many students to certified Masters levels in various Korean arts. As an SKU Technical Advisor he offers his assistance to SKU Members who have an interest in his chosen speciality"

Don McCartor
SKU (USA) Technical Advisor Korean Martial Arts
SKU Ladies Champion Japan Kinuko Takahashi Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

"Ms Takahashi is one of Murakami Sensei's senior students and is her assistant on the Female Kata Training Programme. As SKU Female Co-Ordinator she is championing equality for female Karate-ka worldwide and signposting female SKU members to get the most from their Shotokan Karate-Do studies."

Kinuko Takahashi
SKU (Japan) Female Member Co-Ordinator
SKU Tai Chi Technical Advisor Paul Regan Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

"Paul is a dedicated Traditional Japanese style Shotokan Karate-ka, who has a very rounded approach to his Martial Arts studies, as he regularly teaches tai-chi chuan and has studied Kendo. Starting his training career in 1987 when he was 6 years old, under the guidance of Kirkham Sensei and he remains a loyal student to him today as he ever was. His path is very much focused on the Traditional Japanese style Shotokan Karate-Do way. He is a very capable Karate-Ka with a great knowledge of kata."

Paul Regan
SKU (GB) Technical Advisor Tai Chi Chuan
SKU Traditional Japanese Jiu Jitsu Technical Advisor Hermes Romero Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

"Hermes Romero, PT, DPT, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at University St Augustines for Health and Science in Sports Physical Therapies and has been involved in Judo, Japanese Jiu Jitsu and Karate for more than 40 years. He is a passionate 6th Dan, with a strong desire to impart his relevant professional experiences, skills and expertise to students in the classroom. As an SKU Technical Advisor he offers his assistance to SKU Members who have a genuine interest in his chosen speciality of Traditional Japanese Jiu Jitsu."

Hermes Romero
SKU (USA) Technical Advisor Traditional Japanese Jiu Jitsu
SKU (Vietnam) Nghai Dung Karate-Do Technical Advisor Loi Van Tran title=

"Loi is a talented 3rd Dan and a dedicated Traditional Karate Instructor, who practices the Vietnamese style of Nghai Dung Karate-Do and as an SKU Technical Advisor he is willing to offer his assistance to any SKU Members who have a genuine interest in his chosen speciality"

Loi Van Tran
SKU (Vietnam) Technical Advisor Nghai Dung Karate-Do
SKU Technical Advisor Full Contact Karate Sajid Ali Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

"Sajid is a full time Karate Professional with years of experience in Full contact Karate. This award winning actor/stuntman really has an all action life style, yet he believes that he has found what he was looking for from his Tradional Shotokan Karate-Do studies. Sajid is very approachable and will advise SKU Members who are genuinely interested in his area of expertise"

Sajid Ali
SKU (GB) Technical Advisor Full Contact Karate
SKU (Spain) Technical Advisor Kenpo Karate Pedro Rojas Torres Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

"Pedro is a qualified Oesteopath and a 7th Dan professional Martial Artist based in Catalan, who has spent a lifetime studying various Martial Arts including Shotokan Karate-Do. In his capacity as SKU Technical Advisor he offers his assistance to SKU Members who have an interest in his chosen speciality of Kenpo Karate."

Pedro Rojas Torres
SKU (Spain) Technical Advisor Kenpo
SKU Technical Advisor Tang Soo Do Karen Eden Herdman 7th Dan  Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

"Karen has a long history in the study of the Tang Soo Do systems of Korean Karate-Do and as an SKU Technical Advisor she offers her assistance to SKU Members who have an interest in her chosen speciality"

Karen Eden Herdman
SKU (USA) Technical Advisor Tang Soo Do Korean Karate
SKU Technical Advisor Rachel Kattawar 4thDan  Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

"Rachel is a 4th Dan Shotokan Karate-Ka & Yoga Teacher / Practioner and is also a Member of the JKA USA & AAU Karate Teams.
As a member of the SKU Team of Technical Advisors, she will be offering her knowledge of and skills in Yoga to Karate-Ka worldwide who genuinely have an interest in rounding off their skills. Her regular video online sessions are really worth watching because of her expertise in Shotokan Karate she knows what Karate-Ka need to add the soft balance to their hard Karate training and you will find them most beneficial."

Rachel Kattawar
SKU (USA) Technical Advisor Yoga

"Don't think of practicing a technique until you can do it correctly; but think of practicing the technique until you reach the point where you never do it incorrectly"

Derick Kirkham

Director of Coaching

Nationality : English.

DOB : April 1956.

Grade : 7th Dan. 2006

"Shotokan Karate is the everyday study in pursuit of technical excellence & self improvement."

2 Times World Record Holder
(Power Breaking)
1982, 1983

4 Times Bronze Medallist
Individual Kata
SKU European Championships
1985, 1986, 1987, 1990

4 Times Shotokan Karate Union Individual Kata Champion
1984, 1985, 1986, 1987

4 Times Shotokan Karate Union Team Kata Champions
1985, 1986, 1987, 1988

3 Times Winner Shotokan Karate Masters Individual Kata Champion
2008, 2009, 2010

Various 1st, 2nd, 3rd place Medals Kata & Kumite 1973 - 1990

Sensei Derick Kirkham SKU Director of Coaching Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Derick Kirkham

Director of Coaching

SKU Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Kirkham Sensei is the current Director of Coaching to the Shotokan Karate Union, and is responsible for the direction of travel and the progression of technical standards for the organisation's worldwide membership. He is a Japanese Trained and Graded, Shotokan Traditionalist through and through, who has followed, promoted and coached the cultural, philosophical, scientific and artistry of Karate Practice in an Ethical manner alongside the physical and combative effectivenes of the Shotokan system all of his career. He celebrated 5 decades of fighting arts experience in 2015. His enthusiasm and extensive knowledge of Karate Kata has led this very stylish performer on a lifelong journey in pursuit of technical excellence, which is the essence of his coaching philosophy. Starting his life long fighting arts journey in 1965. He has trained with the world's foremost Japanese authorities and he is renowned for his attention to detail. He has a very polished, classical style to his performance, which he personally attributes to the influences that various Japanese instructors have had on his long career. He has a strong belief in

" the revisiting of and the practicing of the fundamentals through ones Kihon & Kata, no matter what stage one is at on ones journey! "

He has coached Internationally at martial arts dojos around the world, and also for professional sports individuals and clubs from other sporting disciplines such as athletics, rugby, ice hockey, boxing, educational authorities and government departments. He blends the Traditional Japanese Coaching methods with the advancements in modern sports coaching and sports sciences, combined with his experience and qualifications in the medical field, and the addition of Sports-psychology and Sports-hypnotherapy techniques to the coaching programme, he really does have a unique and holistic approach to his coaching methodology and philosophy. He was the driving force behind the successful "Coaching award scheme", he is also a published author of numerous titles and a contributor to various International magazines, on the Shotokan Karate-Do system as well as being technical advisor to several other Karate organisations. He believes that

"Hard work under the guidance of a qualified coach is the only true way to produce long term results.

"There are no details too small in the Shotokan Karate-Do system that are not worthy of closer study."

"Don't think of practicing a technique until you can do it correctly; but think of practicing the technique until you reach the point where you never do it incorrectly!"

“Explore innovation whilst Keeping in touch with tradition.”

As a member of the SKU you will have access to and therefore, you can benefit from personal instruction from our Visiting SKU Officially Approved Senior Coaches, all of whom daily, strive for technical excellence for their students and for themselves. They are experienced and available, both Nationally & Internationally for Courses, Group Sessions, Club Night Classes, or Individual Private Training Lessons. All members can access our 1 to 1 Private Video Training Lessons.

Rachael Reiko Murakami

International Affairs Officer

Nationality : English.

DOB : January 1970.

Grade : 6th Dan. 2020

" Looking closely at and improving the small details makes a large difference."

4 Times SKU Kata Champion
SKU Open Championships
1996, 1997, 1998, 1999

4 Times SKU Grand Champion
SKU British Championships
1996, 1997, 1998, 1999

Various 1st, 2nd, 3rd places
1985 - 2014

SKU National Team Member
1995 - 2014

SKU Sensei Rachael Reiko Murakami Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Rachael Reiko Murakami

International Affairs Officer

SKU Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Rachael Reiko Murakami Sensei (Muri), is the current Shotokan Karate Union International Affairs Co-Ordinator. This shy but outstanding Karate-ka was born in Japan, but started her Karate training career in 1988 as an Individual Associate Member of the SKU when she was 18 at University. There she met her mentor Kirkham sensei and has had him as her personal coach ever since. Now in 2020 with over 30 continuous years of Shotokan Karate-Do experience under her belt she acknowledges .....

"Everything that I have ever achieved in Karate is because of him."

As a child after tragically losing her immediate family she was adopted by a wonderful English couple and shortly after she became a British Nationalised Citizen, going on to represent her adopted country in the SKU National Ladies Team. Her family were keen to offer her the chance to acquire classical skills of playing a musical instrument, fine art appreciation and ballet classes, all of which must have added to her superb balance poise and timing that she displays in her Kata Performance. She is an accomplished pianist and went on the record in an interview recalling her time studying ballet...

" It was a wonderful form of expression, but ballet didn't offer me everything that I was searching for, and I only discovered that fact when I started my Karate training, simply because I found exactly what I was looking for, which was The Study of and the performance of Traditional Shotokan Karate-Do Kata! It's the Beauty of the Art."

In her role as International Affairs Co-Ordinator she has displayed the same discipline and commitment to the role, that made her 4 Times SKU Grand Champion. She is responsible for overseas membership and the success of the Female Kata Training Programme. Another project that she championed until she handed over the reins to her senior female student, Ms Kinuko Takahashi, in 2018, was the promotion of equality and acknowledgement of achievement for female Karate-ka, especially those in countries abroad, who are as far as Karate is concerned, still gender discriminating.

She was a dominant competitive force for many years and was best known for her elegant and beautiful flowing style of technique delivery, which led to her being crowned the SKU Invitation kata champion on 4 occasions in 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 and the SKU Cup kata & kumite Grand Champion 4 times also in 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999. She represented SKU England her adopted country between 1995 - 2014 and was winning various team and individual kata championships right up until she retired from competitive Karate in 2014. She coaches here in the U.K. in Singapore, and in Japan. She is a wife, a mum, medical researcher, karate champion, and a loved & respected figure of the SKU. Her coaching philosophy is best understood by the words that she recites to the class before every session she instructs, she quotes her coaches favourite mantra, that of....

"Don't think of practicing a technique until you can do it correctly; but think of practicing the technique until you reach the point where you never do it incorrectly!"

"As a member of the SKU you will have access to and therefore, you can benefit from personal instruction from our Visiting SKU Officially Approved Senior Coaches, all of whom daily, strive for technical excellence for their students and for themselves. They are experienced and available, both Nationally & Internationally for Courses, Group Sessions, Club Night Classes, or Individual Private Training Lessons. All members can access our 1 to 1 Private Video Training Lessons"


The section below gives you the reader a look at what GREEN Environmentally friendly measures the SKU are taking.

Shotokan Karate Union : Established 1985 © Copyright MCMLXXXV : All Rights Reserved

SKU Environmental Policy

The Shotokan Karate Union is sympathetic to the environmental issues that affect the planet, and with that in mind we have continued to make a contribution towards reducing our carbon footprint. So now we employ various policies no matter how small they may initially seem that will help towards the cause and effect. 91.66% 11 out of 12 of the Yudansha committee meetings since 2010 have been conducted using video conferencing. This saves petrol from being burnt by all of the committee members when travelling to and from meetings. Since 2013 the SKU has moved closer towards being a paperless administration system, we are currently operating at around 89.4% 447 out of every 500 of all of our communications are paperless. Since 2010 where possible we have used recycled envelopes and paper for the majority of our hard copy communications. This has reduced our personal contribution to the unnecessary deforestation around the world. And in addition for the past 3 years we have actively participated in a "plant a tree campaign" to counter balance the small amount of non-recycled paper that we use. The SKU have a buy British, buy Local first policy, and to the best of our ability we make sure that our suppliers are supplying us with goods that fit the requirements of this policy. This is a difficult policy to employ at times and there is often a modest increase in the cost of purchasing this way. For some of our purchases we are forced to make exceptions, however, this is only after we are satisfied to the best of our knowledge, that a British / local alternative, of the same quality is unavailable. This policy when adhered to reduces the carbon footprint made by the transportation of goods across the world, and does not aid in supporting third world sweat shop labour conditions, and at the same time we are supporting Local British business. Since 2012 the SKU have moved away from holding geographically centralised courses that is where course instructors and attendants would travel to a central venue to participate. But now 83.7% 77 out of the last 92 courses that were held, were held regionally by qualified instructors from that region. While it is still possible to obtain hard copies of some of the SKU publications, in an effort to save on the unnecessary deforestation around the world, we are committed to and currently in the process of transferring our back catalogue to the PDF E-Book format. So if you are unable to obtain a particular title at this time, please be patient, as it is probably because it has not yet been transferred to the E-book format.

Update December 2020

We at the Shotokan Karate Union know that the best way to learn Traditional Japanese style Shotokan Karate-Do, is by having 1 to 1, face to face Private Training Lessons with a qualified SKU senior coach giving you all of their attention, experience and their tips. That's why we at the Shotokan Karate Union have always offered and will continue to offer exactly that face to face service to our members.

However, Covid made the Karate world review their current operational models and the SKU were no different, we voted and decided to embrace the forced isolation to use new technology to offfer Video training and Grading sessions but we didn't look at it as a negative, quite the opposite, we viewed it as an opportunity to move further toward reducing the SKU's "Carbon FootPrint". So now in the 21st Century with many more students of "Coaching the SKU way" coming from around the world who are members of our SKU community, members who are now looking towards and are benefiting from the advantages of the SKU offering online video 1 to 1 Private Lessons, Group Sessions & Grading Examinations. As a result of this obvious membership demand then we will continue to offer the service for all of our members, furthermore we will continue to offer the service as long as people are benefiting from the service.

The benefits are manifold, 1. All of our members especially those from developing countries are now able to afford to take part in even more SKU sessions under the direct instruction of SKU Coaches. 2. The rates charged are very affordable rates and are achieved because online video technology sessions reduce the time and expense involved in travelling to and from venues and likewise for any associated accomodation costs, simply because there is no need for the coaches or the members to leave their own countries or even their own Dojos for them to participate in and benefit from training with SKU coaches from around the world.
During the Covid pandemic in 2020 the SKU started to offer Online Video sessions and during the lockdown period they were the only method available to us to keep the membership training together. This move was so appreciated by and well attended by the majority of our members, that we decided to continue to offer the service and therefore we would further reduce our carbon footprint and our impact on the environment. Our Aim is therefore to continue to offer at least 75% of our organised sessions Online from the start of 2021.

SKU GREEN POLICY Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟  Please consider the environment before printing this article.   SKU GREEN POLICY Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟   


The section below gives you the reader a look at the

Shotokan Karate Union : Established 1985 © Copyright MCMLXXXV : All Rights Reserved <

SKU Inclusion Policy

The Shotokan Karate Union understands the barriers of discrimination that some people face from around the world today. We distance ourselves from discriminatory behaviour in all of its forms.

While we are sympathetic towards the blight that is discrimination as a whole, we were founded in 1985 on the principles of Inclusion for all and being a non-political group in every sense of the term. Therefore, we have always had an "All Inclusive open-door policy", when it comes to membership of our friendship society. That's why we offer every Individual Associate Member, the same inclusion rites of, recognition, respect and opportunity, as we offer to the next member. Any member who is proven to have promoted, advocated, acted in a discriminatory manner, put in to the public domain verbal or written discriminatory views, co-opted others, incited, or conspired to discriminate against others, then their membership will be instantly terminated.

Discrimination has been defined as being, "the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, commonly on the grounds of race, religion, age and gender". However, it actually comes in as many forms as their are nationalities and peoples preferences & allegencies.

The Martial Arts fraternity are very partisan. Where marginalisation, exclusion, discrimination and snobbery exist and unfortunately are still common place today, despite it being well hidden and never spoken of. Discrimination even exists over trivial issues such as, which Martial Art one practices, which style of the Art one practices, which organisation one belongs to, which region of the organisation you are from, whether you are dual affiliated, whether you seek to study with Instructors from outside your own organisation, what dojo you are from, what is the colour of your belt.

We at the Shotokan Karate Union are an inclusive society, a community with a vision and a set of ethical core values. Where you will not be judged by your affiliations nor by the colour of your belt.

To become an SKU member and to remain a member of the SKU, then we expect that you accept and follow the SKU vision and its core values.

Our Inclusion policy includes:-

Zero tolerance on discrimination.

Facilitate, Promote, Assist Organisers of Dojo, Regional, National, International events.

Facilitate, Promote, and Assist with the Marketing of Visiting Overseas Coaches.

Offer Opportunities to our Country and Regional Representative to coach in other Countries.

Offer Opportunities to our Country and Regional Representative to visit the SKU (GB) for a one month intensive training programme for Senior Coaches.

Offer Opportunities to outstanding students from other Countries and Regions to visit the SKU (GB) for a one month intensive training programme designed to expand their knowledge base and focus on improving their particular areas of interest.

Allow free and equal access for all of our SKU Members to SKU Training & Grading events, Services, Study Resources, and Sponsorship & Subsidises for SKU Study Projects.

Facilitate, Promote, and Assist students of 3rd Kyu and above to open and run their own Dojo, if it is their desire.


The section below gives you the reader a look at the

Shotokan Karate Union : Established 1985 © Copyright MCMLXXXV : All Rights Reserved <

SKU Privacy Policy

PLEASE NOTE We operate a strict privacy, confidentiality and anonymity policy.

We guarantee that any E-Mail addresses or data we receive during the course of our day to day business will not be shared by any third parties or kept on record for any longer than is necessary. We will only use E-mail addresses supplied for the promotion of events and to make Individuals, Dojos, Regions and Countries affiliated to us aware of our activities, and only then with their full agreement and expressed approval.

Dual Affiliation Guarantee

Because the Shotokan Karate Union has an open door policy to its membership, we know that in the first year some new members choose to remain members of another group concurrently and therfore, we offer them DUAL AFFILIATION. So for the peace of mind of these DUAL AFFILIATED members we have a confidentiality/anonymity policy, which guarantees them complete confidentiality and anonymity for the duration of their membership if they require it.

Payments of Fess made to the SKU

Payment Method 1: PayPal™

Payments of all SKU Fees may be made online via PayPal™ and they are processed through the safe and secure PayPal™ servers.

Payment Method 2: Credit/Debit card

Alternatively if you don’t have a PayPal™ account, you may pay for all your SKU Fees online using your credit/debit card at the PayPal™ payment screen without having a PayPal™ account. All payments made this way are processed through the safe and secure PayPal™ servers.


The section below allows you to listen to articles, interviews and debate via the SKU Podcast.

Shotokan Karate Union : Established 1985 © Copyright MCMLXXXV : All Rights Reserved

SKU PODCAST Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟


Audio Transcripted Podcast of Part 1 of an interview by Rachael Reiko Murakami in Conversation with Derick Kirkham 7th Dan SKU Director of Coaching

      Listen Now

SKU PODCAST Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟


Audio Transcripted Podcast of Part 2 of an interview by Steve Redburn in Conversation with Derick Kirkham 7th Dan SKU Director of Coaching

      Listen Now

SKU PODCAST Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟


Audio Transcripted Podcast of various Interviews by
Derick Kirkham in Conversation with Hirokazu Kanazawa

      Coming Soon

SKU PODCAST Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟


Audio Transcripted Podcast titled "The Spirit of the Karate Journey" Ray Mason of the SKU asks Derick Kirkham Sensei what could be an existential question for Karate in general; "What is going to happen with Karate after covid is beaten? Will it ever be the same as we have grown up with?"

      Listen Now

SKU PODCAST Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟


Audio Transcripted Podcast of Part 1 of an interview by Derick Kirkham 7th Dan SKU Director of Coaching in Conversation with Loi Van Tran 3rd Dan SKU (Vietnam) Technical Advisor Nghai Dung Karate-Do."

      Listen Now


The section below allows you the reader to view some of the subject related study resource titles that have been specially commissioned by the SKU for Coaching Award Scheme Members.

Shotokan Karate Union : Established 1985 © Copyright MCMLXXXV : All Rights Reserved

SKU Complete Coaching Manual Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Complete Coaching Manual

Physical Copy

SKU Complete Coaching Manual Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Complete Coaching Manual


SKU HANDBOOK 1 Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Coaching Award Scheme

Module 1 Handbook

SKU HANDBOOK 2 Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Coaching Award Scheme

Module 2 Handbook

SKU HANDBOOK 3 Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Coaching Award Scheme

Module 3 Handbook

SKU SRATEGIC REPORT Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Strategic Report


SKU SRATEGIC REPORT Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Strategic Report


SKU SRATEGIC REPORT Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Strategic Report


SKU KIHON Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Kihon

Vol 1

SKU KATA Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Kata

Vol 2

SKU KUMITE Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Kumite

Vol 3

SKU BLOCKING Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Blocking

Vol 4

SKU PUNCHING Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Punching

Vol 5

SKU KICKING Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Kicking

Vol 6

SKU STRIKING Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Striking

Vol 7

SKU STRETCHING Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Stretching

Vol 8

SKU TRADITIONS Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Traditions

Vol 9

SKU MOVEMENT Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Movement

Vol 10

SKU PERFORMANCE Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Performance

Vol 11

SKU HYPNOSIS Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Hypnosis

Vol 12

SKU SHOTOKAN IN THE STREETS Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Shotokan in the Streets

Vol 13

SKU PSYCHOLOGY Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Psychology

Vol 14

SKU COACHING HANDBOOK Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Coaching Handbook

Vol 15

SKU GRADING SYLLABUS / RECORD BOOK Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Grading Syllabus / Record Book

Vol 16

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 1

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 2

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 3

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 4

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 5

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 6

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 7

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 8

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 9

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 10

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 11

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 12

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 13

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 24

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 26

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 32

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 38

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 40

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 41

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 48

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 49

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 50

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 51

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 52

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 53

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 54

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 59

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 63

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 64

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 70

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 76

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 89

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 90

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 91

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

SPECIAL Issue 25 Years Anniversary

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

SPECIAL Issue 30 Years Anniversary

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 92

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 93

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 94

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 95

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 96

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 97

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 98

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

SPECIAL Issue 40 Years Anniversary

SKU Quarterly Magazine / SKU Quarterly Magazine

SKU Quarterly Magazine

Issue 100

Fighting Talk Magazine

Fighting Talk Magazine

Issue 1

Fighting Talk Magazine

Fighting Talk Magazine

Issue 2

Fighting Talk Magazine

Fighting Talk Magazine

Issue 3

Fighting Talk Magazine

Fighting Talk Magazine

Issue 4

Fighting Talk Magazine

Fighting Talk Magazine

Issue 5

Night Train

Night Train

Daniel James

The Wrong Track

The Wrong Track

Daniel James

Tunnel Vision

Tunnel Vision

Daniel James

Deep Inside the Forest

Deep Inside the Forest

Daniel James

Night Train

The Story of the Vanishing Shop

Daniel James


The section below displays a selection of the SKU Yudansha Brand Approved Training Equipment. Changes from time to time are made due to availability in supply and discontinuation of certain items on Environmental policy grounds.

Shotokan Karate Union : Established 1985 © Copyright MCMLXXXV : All Rights Reserved

SKU OFFICIAL EMBROIDERED GI BADGE Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Official SKU Embroidered DoGi Badge

As a proud SKU member make a statement with this 90mm finely embroidered SKU badge, it is fully backed and edged, it looks great on ones dogi, tracksuit, sports bag or leisure wear

      BUY NOW

SKU YUDANSHA BRAND COLOURED BELTS Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Yudansha Brand Coloured Belts

From white belt beginner, right upto and including black-belt. Including Red, White and Blue for tournament use. Each belt carries the SKU "Yudansha" label.



SKU Yudansha Brand Embroidered
Over DoGi Jacket

This embroidered, showerproof, high necked, drawstring bottomed over dogi jacket, zips up from the hem to neck and comes with elasticated cuffs, and is made from Red Nylon Taffeta 201t PY and has a white airtech perforated mesh fabric lining. It has proven to be very popular because it is the ideal top to slip on between competition rounds, or after a training session, or whether travelling to and from the dojo or tournaments, or just as a light showerproof leisure jacket. This jacket is exactly the same design as those prefered by and worn by the SKU squad.

Front : Embroidered with SKU logo on the left breast panel and the SKU "Yudansha" label on the right panel situated just above the drawstring.

Back : Embroidered in white with Shotokan Karate Union in stylised roman lettering.

Lining : White airtech perforated mesh fabric.



SKU Yudansha Brand Japanese cut Heavyweight Karate DoGi

The "Yudansha" is a white heavy weight karate DoGi made from 100% cotton. The jacket is embroidered on the left breast with the SKU logo and on the bottom of the lapel it carries the SKU "Yudansha" label. The trousers also carry the SKU "Yudansha" label.



SKU Yudansha Brand Kuroi Obi

The Yudansha" Kuroi Obi is a quality satin black belt with both the Shotokan Karate Union & the Shinboku No Shakai atrractively embroidered on it, in a contrasting amber silk cotton, and written in Japanese Kanji. Alternatively it is available with your name embroidered opposite that of the Shotokan Karate Union, as displayed above. The belt also carries the SKU "Yudansha" label.


"The SKU pride themselves in the knowledge that, The Shotokan Karate Union coaching and grading syllabus has been specifically formulated with material that will aid students in the study of Shotokan Karate, strictly as a Budo / Bujutsu art form and not as a Sport activity. "


This section gives you the reader a look at the SKU Grading Examination & Ratification Policy

Shotokan Karate Union : Established 1985 © Copyright MCMLXXXV : All Rights Reserved

SKU Grading Examination & Ratification Policy

SKU Kyu Grading Rules

As a Member of the SKU you will have your training endeavours and progress recognised, as you will have entitlement to access the SKU structured Grading System, with assessment by Senior SKU Grading Examiners, and if successful you will be awarded with either an SKU Kyu Grade Certificate or a Japanese style SKU Dan Grade Diploma. For New Members transfering in to the SKU, you will also have the opportunity to Access the SKU Grade Ratification system which if successful you will be awarded with an SKU Kyu Grade Certificate or a Japanese style SKU Dan Grade Diploma which ever is appropriate.

An SKU Karate-ka will be deemed eligible to take a grading promotion examination providing the grading candidate has fulfilled the following criteria.

1: All of the technical and administrative requirements have been met.

2: They hold and are able to produce at the time of the grading examination their current SKU Individual Associate Membership ID Card.


SKU FORM Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟


3: They are able to produce at the time of the grading examination their personal copy of the Official SKU Grading Syllabus / Record Book Get your Personal Copy Here

SKU GRADING SYLLABUS / RECORD BOOK Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

4: They are wearing the appropriate clothing (all white ONLY) Karate-Gi.

5: The Karate-Gi is not a for rent advertising space and therefore only one badge will be permitted which is to be of no more than 4 inch in diameter.

6: They are wearing the Official SKU Gi Badge on left side breast of their white gi top.

SKU OFFICIAL EMBROIDERED GI BADGE Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

7: They have had permission to attempt the grading from their Dojo's chief instructor. For Individual Karate-ka students who are not affiliated to a Dojo, then they must obtain permission to attempt a grading examination from their Approved Personal SKU Coach.

8: They have paid in full their Examination Fee prior to taking their Examination.
Pay your Examination Fee Here

SKU members may take their Kyu grading examination at any of the following venues, as long as the venue offers the graduation process a worthy atmosphere befitting of the occasion.

A: At the candidate's own dojo

B: At another dojo who have given their permission

C: At a private dojo who have given their permission

D: At specially arranged appropriate venues who have given their permission

E: At SKU events

Kyu Grading Candidates must

F: Train on average a minimum of twice per week, for the full & correct waiting time period.

G: At an affiliated SKU dojo or for private student under the guidance of an SKU Approved Coach.

H: They must have been exclusively studying the Official SKU Grading Syllabus / Record Book for the grading that they will be attempting.

PLEASE NOTE : If the grading candidate has for whatever reason missed some sessions, then they may top up the short fall with the equivalent number of Private Lessons, these may be taken with either their SKU Dojo instructor or an approved SKU visiting instructor.

They must have observed the correct waiting time for the grade that they are attempting.

IMPORTANT NOTICE : It is the responsibility of the Dojo instructor to supply the Visiting Grading Examiner with the following information and a written list of all of the Grading candidates, NO LATER than 2 weeks before the date of the grading.

1a: An Official Kyu Grading Examination Form for each Kyu candidate.
1b: An Official Dan Grading Examination Form for each Dan candidate.
2: A written list of all of the Grading candidates
2a: The NAMES of the grading candidates
2b: Their Individual Associate Membership ID Card Number
2c: The grade that they are attempting.
2d: The age of the candidate.

It is the responsibility of an SKU Dojo instructor to ensure that every student who has been training at an SKU Dojo for 4 weeks, has purchased an SKU Individual Associate Membership ID Card.

It is also the responsibility of an SKU Dojo instructor that they ensure that every student owns an Official SKU Grading Syllabus / Record Book. This measure will assist both the Dojo instructor and the student, because the student will have for the maximum period in their possession and at their disposal every means possible to know and understand in advance what is expected of them and the exact content of the grading examination syllabus that they will be attempting.

The SKU expects every SKU Dojo instructor to perform due diligence in both their training and their administrative practices and therefore, they are expected to do a regular check every month to ensure all Dojo members when they have had their 4th lesson will be supplied with an SKU Individual Associate Membership Form, which you can Download a Form Here and it is also expected that as an SKU Dojo Instructor you ensure the student purchases an Offical copy of the SKU Grading Syllabus / Record Book.

The candidate's Official Grading Syllabus / Record Book and their Individual Associate Membership ID Card must be produced at the grading for the examiner to inspect prior to the examination taking place. Any candidate who is found to be out of membership or has not fulfilled the stated technical & administrative requirements, then they will be refused the opportunity to take their examinations until their paperwork is presented and found to be in order.

Please Note: That there will be no exception to this rule.

Novice Gradings

Novices attempting 10th Kyu may grade after a period of three months of regular training at an SKU dojo whilst exclusively studying the SKU style of Shotokan Karate-Do Official 10th Kyu Grading Syllabus. It is possible for exceptional novice students to be graded directly to 9th Kyu, but this is the exception to and is definitely not the rule. It's purely at the discretion of the visiting examiner.

Kyu Grading Waiting Times

There is a set minimum of three to six monthly intervals between each of the Kyu grading examinations from 9th Kyu to 1st Kyu. The correct waiting times are stated clearly for each grading examination attempt in the Official SKU Grading Syllabus / Record Book.

Temporary Kyu Grades

No Temporary Kyu Grades will ever be issued at an SKU grading examination by any of our Official SKU Grading Examiners. Temporary Kyu Grades are not recognised by the SKU and therefore anyone attemping to grade up must hold a full Kyu Grade pass.

Failing a Kyu Grading Exam

Students who fail a Kyu grade examination may re-take their examination after a period of one to three months, the period is at the discretion of and the recommendation of the Grading Examiner who failed the student. The failed student will be told by the SKU Examiner on the night what the minimum period of extra training is required before they can re-take their examination.

Transfering in of Kyu Grades to the SKU from other Shotokan Karate-Do Organisations.

Kyu Grade Shotokan Karate-ka who transfer into the SKU may wear the equivilent coloured belt of their current Kyu grade, but they must provide documented proof of their continuous study and an official grading record history from a regognised Shotokan Karate Organisation. Failure to provide adequate documented proof will require them taking a re-grade within a maximum of 12 months of the date of their transfer into the SKU; at that point they will then be awarded with an SKU grade which is appropriate to their level of attainment within the SKU system. They may be awarded the same grade, a lower grade or the next grade up. Thereafter, they will then be allowed to continue grading within the SKU grading system and they will observe the usual time scales between grading examinations as any other SKU member.

Official SKU Grading Syllabus / Record Book

A copy of the Official SKU style Shotokan Karate-Do Grading Syllabus / Record Book is available by CLICKING HERE The examiner will ask the candidate to perform all of the Kihon, Kata and Kumite in the order as it is listed in the Official SKU style Shotokan Karate-Do Grading Syllabus for the Kyu grade being attempted and candidates may be required to demonstrate techniques and or kata from a previous Kyu grade syllabus. This measure is to ensure that the overall development and the retention of information by the student has been achieved.

An appropriate sliding scale of allowance will be invoked at the discretion of the SKU Grading Examiner for those candidates who are unable to perform certain techniques due to the candidate having a permanent physical or other debilitating restrictions. These candidates however, will be expected to perform suitable alternative techniques in such cases so as to permit the SKU Grading Examiner the opportunity to assess fully the candidate's individual level of ability.

Grading Age Restrictions

There are no upper age restrictions for any SKU member to access a grading examination. It is NOT the responsibility of nor in the remit of the SKU Examiner to deny access to any SKU member on the grounds of age or infirmity who wishes to attempt a grading examination. The initial vetting process is the responsibility of and is in the remit of all SKU Dojo Instructors. SKU Dojo Instructors must display due diligence in their duty at all times and realistically assess whether or not the candidate understands and can perfom the syllabus without assistance before they permit the candidate to attempt any grading examination. It is also the duty of the candidates Dojo instructor to make available, facilitate and ensure that all candidates are thoroughly familiar with the syllabus, through the regular practice of the Official SKU style of Shotokan Karate-Do Grading syllabus for the grade that the candidate is attempting, before they give their student permission to present for a grading examination.

SKU Gradings

SKU Members are entitled to take grading examinations after fulfilling the required set period of training between gradings. The gradings are conducted by appointed Qualified Senior SKU Grading Examiners; this structure helps to maintain technique standardisation and a high level of technical proficiency and also allows Dojo instructors to access, interact and benefit from building a regular relationship with the most Senior SKU Coaches.

SKU Grading Syllabus / Record Book

There is an Official SKU style of Shotokan Karate-Do structured Grading Syllabus which is set and is never deviated from for all of the Kyu and Dan grading examinations within the SKU system. Progression through the ranks is via an examination of ones level of abilities and skills in the execution of those prescribed techniques. There are ten ranks, coloured belts, Kyu grades below the rank of the treasured Black Belt, 1st Dan, Sho-Dan. The coloured belt ranks / grades are known as Kyu grades with each grading examination progressively getting more difficult from the last, and each of the 10 Kyu ranks / grades have a specified coloured belt to denote the rank / grade that has been achieved by the student.

Achieving an SKU Kyu Grade Coloured Belt

There are 10 levels of Coloured belts or Kyu grades, starting with 10th Kyu through to and including 1st Kyu. SKU students who are in regular training and receiving regular instruction from an SKU qualified coach and are regularly practicing the Official SKU Grading Syllabus are realistically on average gaining a promotion by passing a Kyu grading examination every 3 to 6 months and these promotions are denoted by the wearing of the next coloured belt in the system.

Achieving an SKU Dan Grade

There are 10 levels of Black belt or Dan grades, starting with 1st Dan. SKU students who are in regular training and receiving regular instruction from an SKU qualified coach and are regularly practicing the Official SKU Grading Syllabus, can on average expect to reach 1st Dan standard in a 3 to 4 year period. Thereafter it takes a minimum of 2 more years to achieve 2nd Dan, 3 years after passing 2nd Dan to achieve 3rd Dan, 4 years after passing 3rd Dan to achieve 4th Dan and so on.

Download an Official SKU Dan Grading Examination Application Form CLICK HERE

SKU Dan Grading Rules

An SKU Karate-ka of 1st Kyu and above will be deemed eligible to take a grading promotion examination providing the grading candidate has fulfilled the following criteria.

1: All of the technical and administrative requirements have been met.

2: They hold and are able to produce at the time of the grading examination their current SKU Individual Associate Membership ID Card Download Form Here

3: They are able to produce at the time of the grading examination their personal copy of the Official SKU Grading Syllabus / Record Book

4: They are wearing the appropriate clothing (all white ONLY) Karate-Gi.

5: The Karate-Gi is not a for rent advertising space and therefore only one badge will be permitted which is to be of no more than 4 inch in diameter.

6: They are wearing the Official SKU Gi Badge on left side breast of their white gi top.

7: They have had permission to attempt the grading from their Dojo chief instructor. For Individual Karate-ka students who are not affiliated to a Dojo, then they must obtain permission to attempt a grading examination from their Approved Personal SKU Coach.

8: They have paid in full their Examination Fee prior to taking their Examination.
Pay your Examination Fee Here

SKU members may take their Dan grading examination at any of the following venues, as long as the venue offers the graduation process a worthy atmosphere befitting of the occasion.

A: At the candidate's own dojo

B: At another dojo who have given their permission

C: At a private dojo who have given their permission

D: At specially arranged appropriate venues who have given their permission

E: At SKU events

Dan Grading Candidates must

F: Train on average a minimum of twice per week, for the full & correct waiting time period.

G: At an affiliated SKU dojo or for private student under the guidance of an SKU Approved Coach.

H: They must have been exclusively studying the Official SKU Grading Syllabus for the grading that they will be attempting.

PLEASE NOTE : If the grading candidate has for whatever reason missed some sessions, then they may top up the short fall with the equivalent number of Private Lessons, these may be taken with either their SKU Dojo instructor or an approved SKU visiting instructor.

They must have observed the correct waiting time for the grade that they are attempting.

The candidate's Official Grading Syllabus / Record Book and their Individual Associate Membership ID Card must be produced at the grading for the examiner to inspect prior to the grading examination.

PLEASE NOTE : there will be no exception to these rules.

Temporary Dan Grades

NO Temporary Dan Grades will ever be issued at an SKU grading examination by any Official SKU Grading Examiner or SKU Grading Panel. Temporary Kyu & Dan Grades are not recognised by the SKU and therefore anyone attemping to grade up must hold the appropriate Full Grade pass before they can be considered to take an upgrade examination.

Failing a Dan Grading Exam

Students who fail a Dan grading examination may re-take their examination after a period of one to three months, the period is at the discretion of and the recommendation of the Grading Examiner who failed the student. The failed student will be told by the SKU Examiner on the night what the minimum period of extra training is required before they can re-take their examination.

Transfering in of Dan Grades to the SKU from other Shotokan Karate-Do Organisations.

Dan Grade Shotokan Karate-ka who transfer into the SKU may wear their Black-belt, but they must provide documented proof of their continuous study and an official grading record history from a regognised Shotokan Karate Organisation. Failure to provide adequate documented proof will require them taking a re-grade assessment within a maximum of 12 months of the date of their transfer into the SKU; at that point they will then be awarded with an SKU equivelent grade which is appropriate to their level of attainment within the SKU system. Thereafter, they will then be allowed to continue grading within the SKU grading system and they will observe the usual time scales between grading examinations as any other SKU member.

KYU & DAN Grade Ratification

SKU Members may Download an SKU Dan Grade Ratification Application Form by Clicking Here.

SKU Members may Download an SKU Kyu Grade Ratification Application Form by Clicking Here.

Grade Ratification is available to all new SKU members who have previously taken grades with other organisations, those members who wish to align and have their grade status recognised with those of the SKU, must provide the SKU Yudansha Committee Promotions Panel with documented proof of their continuous study and an official grading record history from a regognised Shotokan Karate Organisation. Grade Ratification helps towards maintaining the standards across the SKU worldwide and a successful Grade Ratification comes with either a Kyu Grade Certificate or Japanese style Dan Grade Diploma, dependent upon your ratified grade status.


The section below gives you the reader a look at the services & activities offered to members of the SKU.

Shotokan Karate Union : Established 1985 © Copyright MCMLXXXV : All Rights Reserved

Social Media

We use the Mobile Friendly Social Media Platforms of Facebook, YouTube, the Official SKU Website, the SKU Quarterly Magazine, and the SKU Podcast to publish approved study resource and various educational articles. We have progressively moved towards this form of communication for much of our administrative activities, Joining the SKU, Membership Renewals, Paying Fees, Downloading Forms, Posting of News, Views, Grading Results, Upcoming Events, General Communications, Keeping the Membership talking to each other, swapping ideas via private messenger. We also use video conferencing for the majority of our Yudansha Committee Meetings. And as a member conscious society and to meet the modern needs of our worldwide membership we have introduced the following Online Video Services, 1 to 1 Video Private Training Lessons & Video Grading Examinations.

SKU QUALITY COACHING Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Quality Coaching

We use the Shin Tai Waza 心技体 approach to Coaching which is the coaching of the Mind, the Body, and Physical Technique. Therefore, all of our services and activities are designed with one main aim, the improvement of your performance. As a member of the SKU you will have access to and can therefore, benefit from Quality Coaching via our SKU 1 to 1 Video Private Training Lessons & Grading Examination Service or by the more traditional method of our Visiting SKU Coaching Service. Our Coaches are Officially Approved Senior SKU Coaches who daily strive for technical excellence for their students and for themselves. They are experienced and available, both Nationally & Internationally for Courses, Group Sessions, Club Night Classes, or Individual Private Training Lessons.

SKU Grading Examinations Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Grading Examinations

As a Member of the SKU you will have your training endeavours and progress recognised, as you will have access to the SKU structured Grading System, with assessment by Senior SKU Grading Examiners, and if successful you will be awarded with either an SKU Kyu Grade Certificate or a Japanese style SKU Dan Grade Diploma. For New Members transfering in to the SKU, they will also have the opportunity to Access Grade Ratification Certificates and Diplomas.

SKU Approved Training Equipment Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Approved Training Equipment

All of our listed training equipment is Officially approved and recommended by the SKU and will therefore carry the SKU "Yudansha Brand" label. Where possible we adhere to the SKU Green policy, so from time to time the product range and availability may change.

SKU Approved Study Resource Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Approved Study Resource

All of our approved study resource are commissioned by the SKU and designed to increase ones knowledge, understanding and chances of progressing in your practice of Shotokan Karate-Do but specifically they are designed to help you to pass your grading examinations within the Shotokan Karate Union system.

SKU Grade Ratification Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Grade Ratification

Grade Ratification is only available to new incoming SKU members who have previously taken grades with another organisation. This service is required to align their grade status with that of the SKU to ensure and maintain standards across the SKU worldwide community. Successful Grade Ratification comes with either a Kyu Grade Certificate or a Japanese style Dan Grade Diploma, dependent upon your grade status.

SKU Technical Advisors Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Technical Advisors

As a member of the SKU you can benefit from the links that the SKU have forged over many years. Our SKU team of Technical Adivisors all have experience of Shotokan Karate practice and are specialist in other forms of Karate or Martial Arts related subjects. All of the SKU Technical Advisors subscribe to and follow closely the same principles as the SKU. They strive for and promote technical excellence for their students and for themselves. Our Team of experienced Technical Advisors are willing and available, to assist SKU members with genuine enquiries relating to their specifiic subject area of expertise.


The section below gives you the reader access to the current SKU Forms & Downloadables.

Shotokan Karate Union : Established 1985 © Copyright MCMLXXXV : All Rights Reserved

SKU FORM 1 Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Form 1

SKU Individual Associate Membership Application Form

Download your SKU Individual Associate Membership Application Form here.

SKU FORM 2 Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Form 2

SKU Dojo Affiliation Application Form

Download your SKU Dojo Affiliation Application Form here.

SKU FORM 3 Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Form 3

SKU Group Affiliation Application Form

Download your SKU Group Affiliation Application Form here.

SKU KYU GRADE EXAM FORM Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Form 4

SKU Kyu Grade Examination Application Form

Download your SKU Kyu Grade Examination Application Form here.

SKU DAN GRADING EXAM FORM Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Form 5

SKU Dan Grade Examination Application Form

Download your SKU Dan Grade Examination Application Form here.

SKU KYU GRADE RATIFICATION Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Form 6

SKU Kyu Grade Ratification Application Form

Download your SKU Kyu Grade Ratification Application Form here.

SKU DAN GRADE RATIFICATION Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Form 7

SKU Dan Grade Ratification Application Form

Download your SKU Dan Grade Ratification Application Form here.

SKU Grading Candidate List Form Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Form 8

SKU Grading Candidate List

Download your SKU Grading Candidate List Form here.

SKU Grading Registration Form Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Form 9

SKU Grading Registration Form

Download your SKU Grading Registration Form here.

SKU Grading Record History Form Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Form 10

SKU Grading Record History Form

Download your SKU Grading Record History Form here.

SKU Video Private Training Lessons & Grading Examinations @ Home

The section below gives you the reader access to the SKU Video Private Training Lessons & Grading Examinations @ Home
Available in all formats on Laptop, Tablet & SmartPhone.

Shotokan Karate Union : Established 1985 © Copyright MCMLXXXV : All Rights Reserved

SKU Video Private Training Lessons & Grading Examinations @ Home

Who can have SKU Lessons @ Home? "We do not judge people by the colour of their belt nor by their affiliations."
Simply because, "Good Karate stands out as Good Karate" no matter where you are from or what the colour of your belt might be.

We are an open and inclusive society therefore, we offer all of our members exactly the same opportunities no matter where you are situated in the world.

Now is the perfect time to Learn The SKU Way and to begin YOUR Shotokan Karate-Do Journey!

Video Lessons are Suitable for

Novice to Senior Blackbelts.

Adult Male & Female Students 16 years Plus

Overseas Students

Anyone working away from home.

Anyone wishing to do extra training in preperation for a grading examination.

it's the perfect 21st Century solution for YOU.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Can anyone learn Shotokan Karate-Do?

Answer: Yes of course. Because we at the Shotokan Karate Union believe that the study of Shotokan Karate-Do, provides many benefits that go far beyond just learning how to defend yourself. Shotokan Karate-Do is an activity that you can start to practice at any age and continue to practice it for the rest of your life.

Question: How Do I progress through the Coloured Belt system Online?

Answer: Well the Shotokan Karate Union have a structured Coaching and Grading Syllabus and all of the 1 to 1 Video Private Lessons are designed to take you step by step to the stage where you will be fully prepared for each of the grading examinations.

Video Grading Examination Sessions need to be booked in advance. In exactly the same way that you would book your 1 to 1 Video Private Training Lessons.

During your Video Grading Examination Session, the Grading Examiner will give you clear instructions of which techniques it is that they require you to perform. These techniques are taken directly from The Grading Syllabus Book, which you will have been studying & practicing previously on your 1 to 1 Video Private Training Lessons.

Question: How long will it take someone to reach Black Belt?

Answer: It depends upon how quickly that you progress through the coloured belt ranks, and that is depenant upon the level of your commitment. The Structured Coaching and Grading Syllabus allows you to learn at your own pace.

Everyone is different, but The Structured Coaching & Grading Syllabus rewards the student that regularly put in the time and effort. On average people are achieving their first Blackbelt after 3 to 4 years of continuous & serious training.

Question: What equipment do I need?

Answer: Karate is a relativelty inexpensive activity, and all you initially need is a Karate Uniform. As your interest increases then you can buy various SKU Approved Study Resources to speed up the learning process.

Now is the perfect time to Learn The SKU Way and to begin YOUR Shotokan Karate-Do Journey!

1 to 1 Video Private Training Lessons

We at the Shotokan Karate Union know that the best way to learn Traditional Japanese style Shotokan Karate-Do, is by having 1 to 1, face to face Private Training Lessons with a qualified SKU senior coach giving you all of their attention, experience and tips.

And that's why we at the Shotokan Karate Union have always offered exactly that face to face service.

But now in the 21st Century many more students from around the world in our community are looking towards new technology to reap the benefits of 1 to 1 Private Lessons & Grading Examinations and they are achieving it via Video 1 to 1 Private Training Lessons & Grading Examinations, without having to leave their own countries or their Dojos.

1 to 1 Video Private Training Lessons

We are therefore, responding to the requests of and aiming to meet the modern requirements of our worldwide membership by using modern technology to teach the Traditional Japanese ways of Shotokan Karate-Do, The SKU Way.

Inline with our Inclusion Policy the Shotokan Karate Union are expanding the number of ways that you can have access to an approved Senior SKU Coach guiding your learning and progression, no matter where you are situated in the world.

We are now offering you in your own dojo, home, hotel room, country no matter where you are in the world our 1 to 1 Video Private Training Lessons.

The Advantages of 1 to 1 Video Private Training Lessons

More Convienient

Affordable Cost

No Travelling Time

No Travelling Expenses

No Accomodation Expenses

Training Lessons that are designed to meet your specific needs.

Working away from home and in a hotel, then no need to miss your regular training session anymore.

Video Grading Examinations Online

After putting in the hard training hours, we at the Shotokan Karate Union understand your desire to have your hard work and progress officially recognised, and therefore, you can now take your grading examination online, in your own country, at your own dojo, home or where ever you are in the world and if successful, then you will have your grade registered and the appropriate certification will be issued, exactly as if you took the examination at a dojo.

Regular Online Students will be invited once a year to come and stay here in the UK for PERSONAL 1 to 1 Intensive Training with
Kirkham Sensei 7th Dan The SKU Director of Coaching

No matter where you are in the world, or whatever your grade status is, from beginner to blackbelt, our online 1 to 1 Video Private Training Lessons will teach You the art of Shotokan Karate-Do, The SKU Way.

it's the perfect 21st Century solution for YOU.

No Matter which Country you are from, if you are an SKU Member then the SKU cares about your welfare as well as your Karate Progress.

Are you struggling to keep your Dojo together because of the Coronavirus isolation Lock Down policy?

Then you would benefit by keeping your Dojo members interest focused on their Karate practice during this time.

Has Coronavirus ruined the plans you had for your next Dojo Kyu or Dan grading examinations?

Are you a Dojo Instructor who is ready for your next Dan Grading Examination But you can not get access to an examiner? or you can not get an Examiner to visit your Dojo?

The SKU like every other organisation has been forced to cancel all of its visiting coaches & grading examiners bookings, including all of it's organised events until further notice.

Therefore, the SKU Yudansha Committee Promotions Panel has decided that during these extraordinary times to offer to its members the opportunity to take their grading examinations while they are in isolation.

The SKU will be offering to its membership for the duration of the isolation period, the option to take their grading examination online via Video.

During the long peiods of isolation you will need to keep your physical and psychological resolve strong as this Coronavirus situation is going to be a marathon and not a sprint. So if you continue to practice using The Offical SKU Grading Syllabus it will give you a sense of purpose and help you to strengthen your resistance in fighting off ill health and depression.

If you are interested in taking advantage of this SKU emergency measures initiative, of taking your next Kyu or Dan Grading Examination via Video with an Official SKU Grading Examiner then contact the SKU HQ for further details.

SKU Yudansha Committee Promotions Panel

"The SKU is an established friendship society, with a worldwide community of Individual members. We proudly stand up for and promote the things that we firmly believe to be important in Traditional Budo Karate today. We have a successful tried and tested coaching and grading system that is available to all of our members. "


The section below gives you the reader the benefits offered to you as a member of the SKU.

Shotokan Karate Union : Established 1985 © Copyright MCMLXXXV : All Rights Reserved

Are you a 3rd Kyu Brown Belt or above who would like to start & run your own Dojo and would like some help in achieving it?

Are you a Dan Grade who would like to share with others your ideas, skills and methods?

Are you a Dan Grade who would like to progress further and expand upon your current level of attainment?

The Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟 Shoto-Kan Kara-te Renmei, often referred to as the SKU, is an internationally respected organisation, a society for friendship, a Shinboku No Shakai 親睦の社会. A society that was founded in Great Britain in 1985 by a coming together of invited individual members from several Shotokan Karate groups, including members from the two largest Shotokan Karate organisations at that time. As a result the SKU will always remain a strictly non political group. The concept of the friendship society was at the heart of the formation of the SKU, and that is why its members still hold strong to the belief that, “Unity is strength and strength through friendship”.

"We The SKU are an established friendship society, with a worldwide community of Individual members that proudly stands up for and promotes the things that we firmly believe to be important in Karate today. We have a successful tried and tested coaching and grading system that requires all of our members,

1: To continually strive for Technical Excellence in the performance of ones Kihon Waza & Kata.

2: To practice Shotokan Karate strictly as a Traditional Japanese Budo / Bujutsu art form and not as a Sport activity.

3: To embrace, to follow and promote the associated Japanese Cultural & Ethical Values of Traditional Shotokan Karate-Do.

4: To study and practice the Shotokan Karate system using the Shin-Tai-Waza 進体技 methodology.

5: To place equal emphasis upon and incorporate the study of and the practice of the applied self defence tequniques of OYO, within the established 3 K's of the Shotokan system."

6: To allow our members to develop and find their own path through the use of the relationship philosophy of Shu-Ha-Ri 守 破 離.

How we service our community members

Most importantly and regardless of affiliation we don't judge people by the colour of their belt, because after all, good Karate is good Karate and it stands out as good Karate to everyone no matter what your grade is or where you are from.

We are a collaborative group that understands and values the real contribution that all of our individual members make. That is why we believe that everyone has something to offer and very often when a theory is viewed from a different perspective it can illustratively assist with and reinforce our learning patterns. "New Lights through Old Windows."

Join us Today and become part of a worldwide community that offers all of its members the opportunity to progress, no matter where you are located in the world.

We would love to hear from you just as long as you are honest, sincere and genuinely practicing Traditional Karate-Do in a serious, disciplined & ethical manner.

And as the Shotokan Karate Union has an open door policy we accept new members who are concurrently members of another group DUAL AFFILIATION so there is no need for you to break your current affiliated links to join the SKU. As we guarantee complete confidentiality and anonymity of your membership if it is required.

Regardless of current affiliations we don't judge people by the colour of their belt and therefore, we offer all of our members the following

Inclusion (Hogan 包含) We offer mutual respect and acceptance into our Worldwide Community our Shinboku No Shakai, regardless of current affiliations or grade status.

Recognition (Ninshiki 認識) We offer recognition for your grade status, your opinion, your training methods, through respectful mutuality.

Respect (Sonkei 尊敬) We offer you respect for your opinion, for your grade status and for your training methods.

Collaboration (Kyōryoku 協力) We actively seek a collaboritive approach as we value the valid opinions and contribution made to the advancement of and the promotion of Traditional Japanese style Shotokan Karate-Do by all of our Senior Coaching Staff, Technical Advisors and of course our Membership.

Opportunity (Kikai 機会) We offer to all of our members the opportunity, to develop their Karate-Do studies in a professional manner. To increase their personal growth, and to have their training practices, theories and methodologies recognised & valued. We offer them access to Visiting Quality Coaches, for them to access Visiting Grading Examiners, for them to share their Karate-Do practice methodology with all of the community. We offer them the opportunity to understand & value their own Karate better and as a result a chance for them to fulfil their true individual maximum potential.

Quality Coaching (Kaizen 改善) The continuous Improvement of ones performance in measurable stages should be every students & coaches aim. We at the SKU will assist you to achieve your highest technical standard, by offering you Quality Coaching in Traditional Japanese style Shotokan Karate-Do. All of our SKU Coaches believe in and follow our structured coaching system. Which is a combination of Traditional Japanese methods and the utilisation of the advancements that have been made in sports sciences.

Structured Coaching System (Shin-Tai-Waza 進体技) Our successful tried and tested Structured Coaching System does include the "faster, stronger, harder" approach to coaching for our Karate-ka when needed. But it goes way beyond that, as we believe in Coaching the Mind, Body and Technique (Shin-Tai-Waza). And we encourage all of our members to aim for and constantly train in the search of reaching technical excellence in the performance of their technique and for them to understand the physical and theoretical aspects of their studies as an individual student or as a coach of others.


The section below gives you the reader the opportunity to renew or pay your SKU Membership, Affiliation & Other Fees online.

Shotokan Karate Union : Established 1985 © Copyright MCMLXXXV : All Rights Reserved


SKU MEMBERSHIP ID CARD Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Individual Associate Membership

£ 30 GBP

Take out New Membership to the SKU here
Renew your Existing SKU Membership here

Dual Affiliation is Accepted & Available at no extra cost

UK delivery addresses should allow 7 days after the payment has cleared to receive their SKU Individual Associate Membership ID Card.

Delivery addresses outside of the UK may take longer.

PayPal Acceptance Mark
SKU DOJO AFFILIATION Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Dojo Affiliation

£ 50 GBP

Renew your existing SKU Dojo Affiliation here
Affiliate your Dojo to the SKU for the first time here

New Dojo Membership includes 1 FREE 1 to 1 Video Private Training Lessons

UK delivery addresses should allow 7 days after the payment has cleared to receive their SKU Dojo Affiliation Certificate.

Delivery addresses outside of the UK may take longer.

PayPal Acceptance Mark
SKU GROUP AFFILIATION Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Group Affiliation

£ 50 GBP

Renew your existing Group Affiliation here
Affiliate your Group to the SKU for the first time here

New Group Membership includes 1 FREE 1 to 1 Video Private Training Lessons

UK delivery addresses should allow 7 days after the payment has cleared to receive their SKU Group Affiliation Certificate.

Delivery addresses outside of the UK may take longer.

PayPal Acceptance Mark


SKU KYU GRADE EXAM FEE Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Kyu Grade

Examination Fee

£ 15 GBP
  • Successful Kyu Grade candidates that have passed their Grading Examination who have a UK delivery address; should allow 7 days after their payment has cleared to receive their Official SKU Kyu Grade Examination Certificate.

    Delivery addresses outside of the UK may take longer.
PayPal Acceptance Mark
SKU DAN GRADE EXAM FEE Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Dan Grade

Examination Fee

£ 50 GBP
  • Successful Dan Grade candidates that have passed their Grading Examination who have a UK delivery address; should allow 7 days after their payment has cleared to receive their Official SKU Japanese style Dan Grade Examination Diploma.

    Delivery addresses outside of the UK may take longer.
PayPal Acceptance Mark
SKU KYU GRADE RATIFICATION FEE Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Kyu Grade

Ratification Fee

£ 15 GBP
  • Successful Ratification candidates who have a UK delivery addresses should allow 7 days after their payment has cleared to receive their Official SKU Kyu Grade Ratification Certificate.

    Delivery addresses outside of the UK may take longer.
PayPal Acceptance Mark <
SKU GRADE RATIFICATION FEE Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Dan Grade

Ratification Fee

£ 50 GBP
  • Successful Ratification candidates who have a UK delivery addresses should allow 7 days after their payment has cleared to receive their Official SKU Japanese style Dan Grade Ratification Diploma.

    Delivery addresses outside of the UK may take longer.
PayPal Acceptance Mark


SKU GRADING SYLLABUS RECORD BOOK Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Official Grading Syllabus / Record Book


£ 3.99 GBP
  • A complete guide to the Official SKU Grading Syllabus and a Grading Record E-book, which will take you through all of your Kyu gradings, from beginner right up to and including black-belt Shodan, it also includes all of the required relevant Kihon combinations.
PayPal Acceptance Mark
SKU GI BADGES Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Official Embroidered Gi Badge

£ 5.99 GBP
  • As a proud member of the SKU make a statement at your grading exam, on training courses or at tournaments, with this 90mm finely embroidered SKU Gi Badge, it is fully backed and edged, it looks great on ones gi, tracksuit, sports bag or leisure wear.
PayPal Acceptance Mark
SKU COACHING HANDBOOK Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

SKU Official Coaching Handbook


£ 5.99 GBP
  • A comprehensive E-book which will benefit all SKU members and Dojo coaches as it gives valuable advice and guidance upon a wide range of topics. This SKU Coaching Handbook is packed with information on the use of correct etiquette, the black belt code, the principles of karate-Do, of kata and of kumite. Important techniques are looked at in great detail from both a practical and scientific point of view, looking at improving their performance, considering their background, evolution and the theories and terminology that surround them. An invaluable asset specifically designed to improve your technique and to help you pass grading examinations.
PayPal Acceptance Mark
SKU COMPLETE COACHING MANUAL Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

The Complete Coaching Manual for the Martial Arts

Physical Copy
Signed by the Author

£ 14.99 GBP
  • Signed by the Author, this is a Physical copy of the best selling manual for coaches, students and enthusiasts of the martial arts that will sign post them towards the relevant subject areas of study that all coaches should make themselves aware of, whilst in pursuit of excellence, no matter which martial art one has chosen.
PayPal Acceptance Mark

Official SKU 1 to 1 Video Private Lessons Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Official SKU 1 to 1 Video Private Lessons

£ 25.00 GBP
  • In the 21st Century many more SKU students from around the world in our community are looking towards new technology to reap the benefits of their SKU membership and they are achieving it via Video 1 to 1 Private Training Lessons & Video Grading Examinations, without having to leave their own countries or their Dojos.
PayPal Acceptance Mark
Official SKU Video Group Lessons Shotokan Karate Union 松涛館 空手連盟

Official SKU Video Group Lessons

£ 50.00 GBP
  • In the 21st Century many more SKU Dojos from around the world in our community are looking towards new technology to reap the benefits of their SKU membership and they are achieving it via Video Group Lessons & Video Group Grading Examinations, without having to leave their own countries or their Dojos.
PayPal Acceptance Mark


"We do not judge people by the colour of their belt nor by their affiliations."
Simply because, "Good Karate stands out as Good Karate" no matter where you are from or what the colour of your belt might be.

We are open to application for membership from Individuals, Dojos, Groups, enthusiasts of Traditional Japanese style Shotokan Karate-Do and Individuals from other styles who wish to study the SKU Shotokan Karate-Do system in a non political and friendly environment. All Application & Affiliation Forms are available online by Clicking Here or through the Membership Officer or through your Dojo Instructor.

The SKU Shotokan Karate-Do system is a blend of all of the best characteristics of Traditional Japanese Shotokan Karate-Do, those characteristics that have been brought to us through the Lineage of the great Shotokan Karate-Do Masters. We therefore, recognise the pioneering work done by the Japan Karate Association, the teachings of Masters Gichin & Yoshitaka Funakoshi, Masatoshi Nakayama, Hirokazu Kanazawa, Keinosuke Enoeda, Masao Kawasoe and others.

We invite you to Join the SKU and we look forward to welcoming you to our Shotokan Karate-Do worldwide community.

"Keeping in touch with tradition" for the benefit of future generations of Traditional Japanese style Shotokan Karate-Ka.

The Shotokan Karate Union (SKU) is a non-profit International Traditional Japanese style Shotokan Karate-Do Organisation that was established in Great Britain in 1985, that offers Individual Associate, Dojo and Group membership worldwide, these are the three options available of how you may affiliate to the SKU. The SKU is an Organisation that proudly states that their purpose for being in existence, their raison d'être is to

"Keep alive for future generations of Shotokan Karate-ka, the Traditional practices of and the promotion of the SKU Shotokan style of Karate-Do, strictly as a Traditional Japanese Martial Art form".

Members of the SKU range from the total novice all the way through to high ranking Senior Dan Grades. Our Coaching Team & Technical Advisors all have decades of International coaching experience.

We also accept applications from practitioners and enthusiasts of Traditional Karate-Do styles other than that of Shotokan Karate-Do.

During their period of SKU membership Non Shotokan Karate-Do Karate-ka members are free to continue practicing their Non Shotokan Karate-Do style of Traditional Karate-Do / Martial Art alongside their learning of the SKU Shotokan Karate-Do system.

We have no problems with any new member holding and maintaining Dual Affiliation to another Organisation whilst they are members of the SKU. For your peace of mind especially those members who choose to simultaneously hold Dual Affiliation with another Organisation, is that during their period of membership with the SKU, they can rest assured that their membership details are kept SECURE, SAFE & most importantly, totally PRIVATE. Your personal details will never be shared with a third party, as we operate a strict confidentiality / anonymity policy.

The main criteria that we look for of anyone wishing to join the SKU, is that they are foremost of honest character and that they have a dedicated approach to their studies of Traditional Karate-Do firmly as their primary goal. So if you are someone who has a genuine desire to keep the original values of the Traditional Japanese Shotokan Karate-Do style alive through the use of the SKU structured coaching and grading systems, and you are able to accept the SKU's vision and core values, then you will be made very welcome.

The SKU has chosen to resist compromising those tried and tested ways, but we are not a closed minded organisation to other coaching methodologies as we recognise, advocate and utilise the advancements that have been made in modern sports sciences and technology to test and hone our Karate-ka to assist them in

"achieving their highest personal technical standard."

We ask all Dan Grades when they apply to join the SKU, to support their application by sending copies of the appropriate certificated documentation of their current grade status, which must have been directly issued by an organisation that has lineage to one of the established, recognised and respected Japanese Shotokan Karate-Do Organisations or other style appropriate Organisations for the non Shotokan Dan Grades.

The Shotokan Karate Union's organisational model is based upon a consortium, an alliance, which was founded in 1985 as a coming together of the union of invited individual members from several well established Shotokan organisations including the two largest Shotokan groups at that time. We are a Shinboku No Shakai a friendship society of, a coalition of like-minded individual members, who are free to run their own affairs with zero political interference. This allows each individual to follow the path that is best suited to their specific needs, yet our members are in regular communication with others who are willing to freely share their ideas and experiences in a non-hostile, non-competitive atmosphere, where they don't fear to express their opinions and understanding of their studies with other coaches. We are a society run by the will of the membership through an elected Yudansha Committee of Senior Dan Grade members and a Director of Coaching. The open door policy of the consortium model was a concept that was the societies aim at the foundation of the S.K.U in 1985, and it seems to have worked very well thus far as we celebrated our 30th year anniversary in 2015.

The Shotokan Karate Union is truly committed to the constant improvement of standards and therefore, we offer subsidised funding in various forms of sponsorship to qualifying members, who are committed and enthusiastic Karate-ka who would like to extend their studies of Traditional Japanese style Shotokan Karate-Do. While sponsorship and subsidises are predominantly offered to overseas SKU Members for SKU approved Study Projects, The SKU will in exceptional circumstances offer partial sponsorship for other forms of related Shotokan study activities to members who have a realistic, achievable and approved learning plan.

Who can Join the SKU as an Individual Associate Member

The SKU accepts NEW Individual Associate Members who are

1: Enthusiastic ungraded novices who wish to study the SKU system of Traditional Japanese style Shotokan Karate-Do.

2: Experienced Individuals of Kyu or Dan grade status, who are currently or have been members previously of another Shotokan Karate-Do group, who wish to study the SKU system of Traditional Japanese style Shotokan Karate-Do.

3: Individuals of Kyu or Dan grade status, who are currently or have been members previously of a recognised (NON Shotokan Karate-Do) Traditional Karate-Do style group i.e (a recognised Traditional Karate-Do style other than that of the Shotokan style. Wado Ryu, Okinawa Ryu, Kyokushin, Shito Ryu etc) as long as the applicant intends to primarily study the SKU system of Traditional Japanese style Shotokan Karate-Do.

4: Individuals of Kyu or Dan grade status, who are currently or have been members previously of a recognised Martial Art other than Karate-Do, i.e (Judo, Jiu Jitsu, Kendo, Aikido, Shorinji Kenpo, Kempo, Kung Fu, Tae Kwan Do, Korean Martial Arts, etc) as long as the applicant intends to primarily study the SKU system of Traditional Shotokan Karate-Do.

We have a non political, non judgmental approach to Dual Affiliation which allows you to enjoy the benefits from your SKU membership with the guarantee of total confidentiality / anonymity, thus removing the need for you having to resign from your current group.

1: Download an SKU Individual Associate Membership Form

2: Fully fill in the form in using Black Ink and BOLD CAPITALS

3: Return the form to the Membership Office via Email

4: Include a passport size photo & any appropriate supporting documentation

5: Pay your SKU Individual Associate Membership Fee online

6: Allow 7 working days for delivery of your SKU Individual Associate Membership ID Card


Watch this Video for step by step Instructions on
How to Join the SKU as an Individual Associate Member


Start benefiting from your SKU Membership Today !


The author and publishers of these pages The Shotokan Karate Union will not be held responsible in part or whole in any way whatsoever for any injury, damage, or loss of any nature, that may occur as a result either directly or otherwise of reading and or following the instructions and or recommendations given herein. It is essential therefore that before any attempt be made at any of the activities described and or depicted in this or any of our publications. The reader or readers or viewers must consult with a qualified medical physician to ascertain whether or not the reader, readers, viewer of any of our publications should engage themselves in the activities described or depicted in this or any of our publications. As the activities described in these pages and all our other publications are both physically and mentally demanding and may over tax or be too sophisticated for the reader readers viewers, that is why therefore it is essential that the advice of a qualified medical physician be sought prior to any attempt at practice and their advice be adhered to thereafter. We also recommend that you practice under the strict supervision of a qualified and licenced SKU instructor.